Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ah...lazy day today. Hopefully I'll get a chance to really write soon...looking forward to it, actually. Stay tuned!!!
For some reason, the mobile version is "selecting" which things to post so maybe I'll go back to the old version....

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sorry...I should've shown the lasagna before it went in...

Monday, June 27, 2011

"See You Next Lifetime"

So...I have a friend that I love. Yes, I love this person. Seriously. We have this amazing connection and a bond between us that is...well, in my opinion, one of those once in a lifetime kind of bonds.

I think I might even be in love with this man.

Nothing is wrong with any of what I've said. There is a catch, though, if you will.

You're thinking, what, what's the issue?

Well, the issue is that I'm married. Very happily, I might add. Married to my very best friend, the father of my beautiful son, and the guy that makes me laugh and supports me 110% in everything I do.

We've been that way since high school, and nothing is going to change that. is it that I've got feelings for another man?

I don't know, to be honest with you. Something about him is so much like my husband. However, he is not my husband. He may, at one time, have wanted to be my husband, but when he had a chance to express those feelings to me, he didn't.

I was angry with him. He took my choice away, so to speak, because I didn't know how he felt until I was about to walk down the aisle with the man of my dreams.'s my big problem. I want to keep this man in my life. He is my friend, and I care about him deeply - I look forward to going to his wedding one day (in the future) and wishing him and his new wife the best life, because I'm living a pretty wonderful one right now myself.

But, I don't think it is safe to be friends with somone who I know I could be unfaithful to my husband with, and also, that could see me with him (and I could see myself with him as well).

What do you think?

It would be great to get some feedback if anyone has been in a similar situation or knows about these types of situations.

Looking forward to hearing from you,