Sunday, July 22, 2012

So much....

since my last post.  I wanted to write and write and write.  I truly did.  Now, though, I just don't have it in me to do.

It's late, but this is very overdue.  So, what has happened since we last got together?

Well, I am no longer teaching math.  I will be teaching, instead, introduction to engineering and design, considering this is my background.  I'm excited about the challenge, but, it would be nice to get the opportunity to teach something for longer than a year or so before I teach a different subject I've never taught before. :)

I consider it an honor and privilege, though, because that must mean they (administration, etc.) believe I will be successful.  What more can I say and what else could I ask for? :)

My brother is getting married.  In about three weeks, actually.  I'm excited and happy for him as he prepares to embark on this journey.  Oh, and he's also taking the Texas State Bar next week.

Good times. ;)

Sean is going to Kindergarten, and as the days get closer, I become more of a wreck.  But, truthfully, inside of my inner mom watching her baby grow before her very eyes, I sense a calm coming.  He's the most wonderful thing.  I love him so, and I believe he will be a great success at school.

Okay, that's all I've got for now.  I'm off.

It was great to see you again.

I promise to update again...and hopefully sooner rather than later.

I should do this way more often than I do.
