there are some times in my life when I wonder if there are lessons that I just haven't learned, if there are things that I just keep repeating because I just don't get it.
In this season of change, here's what's transpired since I last wrote:
-That person has been out of my life, but sent me a cryptic message this week? Not sure what to make of that one...
-Sean has become a Kindergarten Star. He's great. And he's growing everyday. He's now taking piano and LOVING it. :)
-Husband says he wants to try a different line of work. My heart is beyond overjoyed. That means soon he'll be home with us in the evenings. :)
-I may be out of work next year. Yes, teaching isn't the stable market it used to be. On another note, I may lose my certification also...sheesh.
-I'm really trying hard to keep it all together. I'm trying so hard. I want some relief. I need a personal sabbatical.
-I'm trying to have more babies. And I'm working really hard at it, too. ;)
Okay, just wanted to give you an update, and perhaps, hopefully, in the near future, I'll give you more details.
Sometimes it's just good to put it all out there. I'm so tired.
Well, take care. Hope to blog with you again soon. :)