Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Three Little Birds

So right now, I mean, literally, at this very moment, I have the song "Three Little Birds" playing in the background of my mind. That is one of the best songs that I have heard from Bob Marley. He has some good ones, but this one just makes me feel good inside.

It also usually plays in the back of my mind when I'm feeling really reflective and whatnot, and that is exactly what is happening to me today.

Yesterday, Dray and I took Sean out to the park and it was soooo cold. But, it was a crisp, clear, beautiful day. I loved it. Every minute of it, in fact, and I thought about how much I missed living so close to our family.

The truth is, though, if I really think about it, I like living in Maryland. I don't want to move back home. And, even if I said that out loud, I think it wouldn't make the decision to stay there or to move home any easier.

I haven't said it out loud, but I'm writing it, right? :)

My decision to just write is mostly because I know in his heart my husband wants to move home to Texas - the sooner the better. He misses the closeness of his family, living near our parents, and all of that. The thing about it is, though, that we both know the opportunities to do what we truly want to do are somewhat limited here. I hate that, but it is what it is. There isn't much we can do about that.

Also, I truly believe there is something that God wants us to learn, to do, to achieve, to master, or just to experience before we can return to the place we love most. I hate being so far away from my closest friends and family, but the truth of the matter is, that every single time I've moved in my adult (and almost "adult") life, God has directed the move.

He's not directing a move any time soon. In fact, He's established us in Maryland for a few more years. So, that's why I know there is something He has for us there in Maryland that we cannot have or obtain by living in Texas right now.

I wish I could say it is easier, but...

And I want to add this, just for those of you who don't really believe in God, or even in a Higher Power.

There is a voice, or something, inside of you that lets you know if something is right or wrong. Lots of times, people say things like, "I had a gut feeling". That is the same thing. My gut says to stay in Maryland and wait for the amazing breakthroughs and opportunities that will come your way.

I'm not going to argue you down that there is a God, but I definitely want you to think about it. And, I might add, if you are really in tune to your "gut", it never steers you wrong. ;)

Just some food for thought.

Have a wonderful reflective day, and may this New Year, as it approaches, bring you closer to the place you were destined to be.


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