Saturday, March 24, 2012


Today there is supposed to be a huge Atheism Rally in DC. I've been praying about this because I'm concerned about the message being sent.

One of the things that many know and believe is great about this country is that we are all free to believe (or not believe) as we see fit. There are as many different faiths and beliefs here as there are possibly in the entire world.

I think that it is wonderful for everyone to have this freedom.

There is only one thing, though, that I truly believe many are wrong about. I truly believe, and I know that Jesus is more than just a man who lived thousands of years ago.

He is the Son of God. He is the Messiah. He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

I guess this Atheism Rally today really bothers me because many who are atheists tend to bash Christianity (the most) and any other faith that believes in the existence of God.

I do not understand this.

While I am an individual, one thing that I will always do is respect the beliefs and rights of others. So many people feel and have experienced hatred and hurt from people who call themselves Christians.

For this I am very very sorry. I don't know what I could do to change anyone's mind about a painful experience they have had.

BUT...there is ONE thing I can do.

The one thing I can do is LOVE you. And him. And her. And them.

And I can pray for you. And continue to pray, even if you talk about me and belittle my beliefs. I would not do that to you. Because that is NOT the way God and His son Jesus raised me, as a daughter (by the saving grace of Jesus).

Bless you all.


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