and do you know what my greatest takeaway was? Honestly, the people of God need to get healthy. I'm talking to myself, more than I'm talking to anyone else.
Watching all the different groups and recording artists perform, I was a bit shocked by how many people were winded after a performance. I was struck by the size of the artists, also. Now, I'm a big girl and I've been that way most of my life. That is not the problem. These people were GORGEOUS, do you hear me? Handsome, beautiful people...
They were very out of shape. Even those who seem to be in good shape (aka "thinner"). No, most of them needed to lean over or hold their side, or catch their breath, longer than a normal type of catching your breath after a performance. I know being on a big stage brings adrenaline, and you do move around, but you shouldn't be holding your side and practically wheezing directly after. Sheesh.
I mean, folks weren't dancing on stage like at a Michael Jackson concert, no, there was only some light choreography. Seriously. No one was running across the stage non stop for five minutes. They were singing, yes, but no real extra strenuous activity.
Yup, and that was my biggest takeaway. I'm serious.
I'm taking the challenge. Will you?
Think about it.
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