Wednesday, July 20, 2016


I was having a really great conversation with my husband about friends, my perception of people versus his perception of people, and other things as well. He was encouraging and loving, as he always is, and also, he did his best to be objective.

Believe it or not, he does a great job, and I think that has a lot to do with the fact that he is truly a counselor by nature. He listens really well and helps people with their problems and making decisions. I love this about him. He can be absolutely amazing and this is what I cling to when I feel differently some days. :-)

Anyway, back to the reason for writing. I am always on a quest for deep, meaningful relationships, and I feel this is an area where I do not do my very best; honestly, I feel weak in this area. While I do have some true deep sister best friends, the number is small. Now, truth be told, I prefer a tight circle anyway. I don't need a "tight knit group" that consists of 20 people. No way could I have deep, meaningful relationships with all 20 unless all I did was spend time with them, and frankly, I want to have a family and my own private time, so that's just not realistic.

My question and self evaluation come because I have tried (and in my opinion failed) at fostering relationships with other women who, in appearance, have so much in common with me, and should, based on how we gravitate towards people who have some similar traits as our own, should become great friends.

This is not what has happened.

I, as always, am hopeful that I will find a place of comfort with people that I meet. I don't just want to have my friends from my youth, I enjoy meeting new people and making them part of my life, if they SHOULD be.

Here's to hoping for the best, and guarding my heart, but keeping an open mind and point of view.


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