Sunday, August 16, 2009


So, I've been thinking about blogging all day, and actually yesterday really late at night, and I've finally gotten around to doing it. So, I'm gonna just post whatever I've been thinking about, and some of it will literally have just come to me. Several questions, some observations. Enjoy.

- To begin: For us marrieds out there, why do our spouses (whether the wife or the husband, depending on which of you is reading this) say they will do one thing and then don't do it and get upset when you call him/her on it? What's that all about? Then he/she gets all guilty when you don't bring it up, and still manage to piss you off by acting like nothing is wrong when clearly it is? Sheesh. I am assuming this applies more to husbands than wives, but I know there are some absent-minded ladies out there...

- Why is my son so loud? I was a good kid. I did what my parents told me to do. Ask them. Seriously. I wanted to be good, for the sake of being good. Honest. I don't have to lie - this is my blog, durn it! Sean tests every single part of my being in one way or another. Some days he is the sweetest angel-child in the world...others he is as stubborn and willful as his father. I need a drink and several guardian angels and Jesus himself on hand for this child!

- I just got up from the computer to let him out of the room that he had closed himself in! He was yelling for his father! Goodness!!!!

- As a complete 180 from the complaining, I love him so much. He's a joy and a true blessing from God. I heart Sean. And being a Mommy. Thank you, Lord.

- I wonder what would happen if we all got a huge sack of money. Just fell from the sky - and that sack contained just enough to pay off all - ALL - the debt you had. I wonder what would happen...

- I love singing and writing. I hope and pray that one day I can write for my career and make tons of money so I can stay home and write all day. And also, to sing, play the guitar and piano, and be part of a very worthwhile singing ministry. Seriously.

- I also love the singing ministry I'm part of currently, I just wonder if I'm still part of it...? They kicked me off the e-mail list. I'm really sad about that, and I'm wondering if I need to take a hint...hmmm....

- Chocolate is the best thing in the world. Next to sex, which, honestly, if it's not gonna be good, I would rather pass on for the chocolate. Enough said. Yup.

- My husband is the most wonderful yet exasperating man in the universe. Of course, he's that wonderful to me, he's my husband. And, yet, I'm sure there are several people out there who think he's more exasperating than I do...LOL!

- Does it really matter if you're black or white? I mean, MJ said it didn't matter, but honestly, I like the way I am right now. Wouldn't change my ethnicity for anything. Even all the derogatory things that have happened - slurs, discrimination, etc. I love being who I am. And, I couldn't always say that. Not that I didn't want to be Black, but that I didn't want to be ME. I'm glad I want to be me...sad shame it took so many years for me to be glad about it.

- I am currently humming "Favorite Things" and I love the Diana Ross version...but I mostly love the song because of The Sound of Music. I love Julie Andrews, and if I could meet her, I would probably ask her at least 100 questions and hope that we could talk for hours and then become friends and she'd invite me to her house for tea and it! (I know, I'm a dreamer).

- Don't you think that MILF (Mom I'd Like to F@#$) should be spelled MYLF (Mom You'd Like to F@#$) if you are a woman who's a mother and you are wearing a t-shirt that says that or are using the phrase to refer to yourself? Frankly, I don't wanna F@#$ myself, I'd rather my husband and I do it. Think about it, people.

- What is the best dinner you've ever had? And what made it the best? Do you think you haven't had it yet? I'm sure I've said this several times before, but my most favorite is my grandma's chicken 'n noodles with cornbread and green beans. Something about the way she makes it...I don't know if it can be topped.

- I really love having good conversations and actually just listening to other people talk about topics in my presence. Yes, if I've been part of a convo with you, you have been entertaining me. How do you feel about that?

- Speaking of that, I really miss having game night at my house. I want y'all to come over so bad. Can anybody bring Taboo? I'm trying to get Dray home on Saturdays so we can start up again...ahhh...tons of folks laughing and having a good time at my house...that's what makes me smile. :)

- Wish I had time to watch all my favorite tv shows and go hiking, biking, to amusement parks, the movies, shopping, out to eat with friends, play tennis, visit friends, and so on...I like to move, people! Don't sleep on the chubby chick!

- Speaking of being chubby, I will be so thankful when I'm down to a healthy size. I will be takes time. I am planning on sticking with this thing. I've got to. I want to have at least one more lil one, and I refuse to bring that baby into this world in an unhealthy vessel. By the way, I almost typed "her" instead of "that baby". Guess you all know whether I want a boy or girl next...

Okay, considering I could go on all night, I'll stop for now. Until next time, folks!

Love, love, love!

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