Saturday, July 2, 2011

Just chillin'...

and I'm listening to this amazing CD by an artist from Houston (Texas, baby!!) named Alicia James. She is AH-MAZ-ING! I love her vibrato, her tone, her lyrics...I would love to meet her. I'm subscribed to her on YouTube also...I can't get enough of her. Plus, she's a Texas girl, and you know I've got to support our home grown musicians there...I love my home, so, of course, you might think I'm a little biased, but I suggest you check her out yourself and let me know what you think.

I think she's worth the trip over to visit her site. She's so cool, she has her entire album up to listen to...what artist does that?!

Now, onto some other things.

If you'll recall the other day I posted about a friend of mine that I love very much. Well, last night, the conversations turned rather overtly sexual. To the point that I was uncomfortable and felt like I was crossing a line.

I had a friend over today, and it did me so wonderful to talk to her about the situation. She made me feel better about myself. I felt like a...well...another word for a garden tool. :-(

She made me see that I was not going to cross the line with my friend, first because I am so happy right where I am and second because it appears that my friend likes to play games and be secretive a such, so there's no need for me to worry too much about it...

whew. Thank goodness. So, now I can settle back into my "regular life"

The next thing on the agenda is school and weight loss. I'm working on being finished completely with school by August (but it appears it will not be until December that I am done with this school on that), and the weight MUST come off.

Dray and I really want to have another lil one, and Sean just turned four yesterday - yes, can you believe it? It seems like I was just writing about his second look at time passing...

But, seriously, we want to have another one (I'm praying for twins - a boy and a girl), and I've GOT to lose weight...I can't be this big and have some lil ones inside me...I want them to be the healthiest they can be...and I want their delivery to be easy. :)

So, I know you want to know what the plan is. I think I'm going to keep that under wraps. Trying to do the world wide web accountability thing isn't exactly motivation...didn't really work the last time, so....the goal is to progress and get it all done...yes...get it done. My desire is to be at goal weight before next year rolls around (meaning July 3rd)...and preggers with my twins. (See how I keep saying I'm gonna have twins? I'm gonna have TWINS! ;-P)

All righty. I feel like this post has gotten SO long...I've got so much more to talk about, so I'll try to split up the posts by category. Maybe that will help me organize my 1000 mile a minute thoughts. :)



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