Saturday, March 27, 2010

Politics and bull-ish

So....I'm probably happier than most about being off of work for the Spring Break season this year. I am totally overworked. Underpaid doesn't even get to be the word I use because, I'm not even getting paid - I do the work of a teacher, grading, teaching, creating lessons and all of that, but no paycheck. AND I'm in school. AND I'm probably doing more than I should be doing by definition of what my internship is (in writing, anyway)...What kind of foolishness?!

I'm sure you're wondering if I understood what I was getting myself into. I certainly did think I knew, but to be honest, this has been the hardest six, seven months or so that I have had in a very long while.

I guess it's nice to know that those cliche's and sayings are true - hard work really does pay off. My cooperating/supervising teacher for this semester basically told me he was happy with the job I did teaching. And, that's super important to me, simply because, frankly, he is allowing me to take over his classes. I hope I'm doing a great job. I know I really want to do a great job.

I'm really happy to do it. I love teaching...

But the hustle isn't over yet...after the 16th of April, it's back to subbing, and I'll need to meet my 90 day obligation to the county, so I'll be trying to work every single day...EVERY single day...let's hope for the best, and pray about the rest!

Have a great one, friends!
