Sunday, March 18, 2012


...well, it really hurts to be rejected. Especially when you've never been rejected in a particular area of your life before.

I will give you a very good example.

I'm used to getting asked out by the men I am attracted to, or even those that I'm not necessarily attracted to. Yes, I need to lose weight, yes, I may not be every man's "cup of tea", but I can still pull 'em. ;)

So....if a man that I'm attracted to (and who admits he is also attracted to me) rejects me, I am taken aback. What?! How did that happen?

My feelings get hurt. I may go cry in my closet (or in a corner) about it. I may spend a few days in a funky mood, trying to figure out why this guy doesn't want me. What did I do wrong? So on and so forth.


Do you know what I'm learning?

It's more about my reaction to the rejection than the actual rejection itself. I can choose to wallow in self-pity, become self-righteous, or proceed to talk bad about the person who has rejected me.


I can learn from my rejection AND (most importantly) move on.

Rejection is supposed to be a learning tool. I feel that either you learn this was not for you, or maybe you need to work on some things. And not just to be "more attractive" or something like that. Maybe there is some personal issue you have that you have not yet resolved.

The whole idea is that this closed door is either so that a better opportunity can come along for you or so that you can continue your training or development to become a better you. Why be sad and sit and throw a "pity party" for no reason?

So...your story got rejected.
So...your boyfriend/girlfriend is done with you. didn't get the job offer.

We could go on and on and create a massive and quite extensive list of these same scenarios and situations. But, guess what? It doesn't change the fact that it's time for you to learn from this, GROW, and move on.

Let's move on together. Find out something new about yourself and make improvements.

That's what I'm going to do.


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