Saturday, February 7, 2009

Finding Nemo (and Nakeisha)

Today, this afternoon, I watched Finding Nemo with Sean. I love this little movie because there are so many lessons to learn from the story, for adults and kids. One of the big ones for us adults is that we cannot control everything and we have to let our kids learn, grow, etc. One of Ellen's lines (aka the blue fish Dorie) was (speaking to Albert Brooks, aka Marlin the clown fish), "You can't promise that. You can't promise to let nothing happen to him cuz then nothing'll happen to him, lil Emo." (or whatever wrong thing she called Nemo).

That speaks to me, to keep my guard, but also to let Sean explore.

Today, however, that wasn't the main thing that grabbed me.

What caught my attention and promptly brought me to tears, was when the pelican friend of the aquarium dwellers came into the dentist's window and began to tell Nemo about his father, and all he went through to try to find him.

The exact line that had me crying was, "Your father's searching the whole ocean to find you."

Applying that to my own life, I thought about the love of God. Did you know that, each of us, like lost children, or anyone who gets lost, is actively and intensely pursued by God?

When I'm lost, and I can't get back again, He looks for me, and He will find me, and bring me home.

I hope, my friends, that all of you will reach the same conclusion one day - that no matter what, God loves you, He really, really loves you. No matter how lost, alone, frustrated, confused, and without a friend you may feel, God is there, and He loves you, and He will look for you, find you, and bring you home.

The choice is, as always, yours.

Love you, and thanks for reading.

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