Sunday, March 22, 2009

Facing the Music here I am, finally, with new measurements to talk about. It's totally my fault that I haven't posted them any sooner. I have definitely fallen off the wagon and I need to get back on, for the sake of my health and well-being. It's a new week. It's a new day. I can and I will start over again. This time, I'll start out with my walking, and then we'll progress to the heavy stuff later.

Now, even though I haven't been working out, I have been playing with Sean in the park and dancing around the house with him, not to mention major cleaning know, like, my entire house? Plus, everyday, whether I like it or not, I have to climb three flights of stairs up and down in order to get to my classroom for Spanish.

Okay, so that's all and it's time for me to quit stalling.

Here's the last set of measurements as you remembered. I had lost some inches. Gooo me!

Chest - 52.25"
Waist - 57.5"
Hips - 54.5"
Arm (Left) - 16.25"
Arm (Right) - 17"
Thigh (Left) - 27.75"
Thigh (Right) - 28"

Here is the new set, freshly measured last night (this early morning, actually).

Chest - 52.25"
Waist - 56.5"
Hips - 56.5" *What is going on here?!*
Arm (Left) - 15.75"
Arm (Right) - 16"
Thigh (Left) - 27"
Thigh (Right) - 27.5"

Okay...I'm dumbfounded, once again. I'm losing in every area except, oddly, my hips. That's a little what does that mean, exactly...? Looks like I need to get busy with some hip-slimming exercises. Oh, and my chest is staying the same also, but it's not getting BIGGER like my hips are (what in the world???)

God is really good. I'm not even sure how I'm pulling this, I'll keep you posted, and I promise I'll start working out again. I expect my hips to do a reverse in the direction they are going...

Thanks for the love and support. I'll see you again soon.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Hey Nakeisha! My family is doing our own biggest loser competition right now, so I completely relate to this post!!!! I wanted to throw things through the window yesterday when I weighed in and has gained weight this last week--becase I have actually done a good job with exercising and eating healthier this week. Blah. So maybe if you figure out the hip secret you can share it with me, and it might help me figure out what's going on here!