Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Holiday Season

This time of year, Christmas with the families has been amazing thus far. There has been no infighting or bickering, with the exception of some Christmas Eve and early Christmas Day drama, and all have enjoyed themselves thoroughly.

We even cut Sean's hair for the first time! I've got his lil hair in an envelope to transport back to Maryland to his lil first haircut container...ahhh...I almost cried, too, because he looks so grown up now! (Mind you, he's only 18 months, but the point is, he's not my lil baby baby anymore...)

Anyway, I'm sitting here, with the background noise of my husband and his brothers playing with the world version of Monopoly while Sean whines at his father to give him what he really wants - his fork - and I thought I would put down a few thoughts to the online blog I've created here.

Well, for once in a long time, I'm a happy camper. It's a great feeling to be surrounded by nothing but pure love - no agendas. It's really, truly wonderful.

Second, I am really feeling my extended family right now. The Rolands are totally off the chain, in a very good, extremely wonderful, supremely positive way.

Third, I'm not really looking forward to going back to work part time at the private school in January. I want a really job, and I'm tired of not having a real one, but working like I have a full time teaching position. However, I'm not ungrateful, just a lil bit impatient, I guess.

Well, it's okay, as the boys get even louder with their Monopoly game...sheesh...they are total kids when they get together (and it's soooo funny!), because at the end of the day, I know I've got support from all these amazing people. They give me the strength to keep going, and I hope that I don't ever let any of them down.

Well, I guess that's all for now. Sorry it's so sentimental, but, that's the feeling right now.

Next time, I'll try to post a video or a slide show of Sean bloopers...they are truly hilarious! He's a character!

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