Friday, January 16, 2009

Ann Coulter scares me...

and people like her do, too. I have no problem with anyone who has conservative beliefs and chooses to vote and live their lives conservatively. In fact, I believe that everyone has conservative views on various issues. It just depends on the issue and the person. I know I have a few conservative views, myself, and although I don't affiliate with any major political party, I have no "beef" with either. I believe people should be free to think as they choose. What I hope, is that they all try to do the good and right thing, as I try to do the good and right thing.

It is a right and privilege that we all share to have our own personal beliefs and lifestyles. We live in the most open country, probably, in the world as far as what you can, do, say, be, etc.

Be conservative. Enjoy the far right, if you must, or if you want. It's your life. It's your choice.

However, where I draw the line, especially with Ms. Coulter, is at blantant and rampant intolerance.

Why, and how, can you be so intolerant to various backgrounds and ethnicities and live in the United States of America is beyond me. We are called the Great American Melting Pot for a reason.

There are people from every country, ethnicity and creed more than likely living in this great land today. Your neighbors, my and me...

So how can someone be so against that? How can someone be so divisive? How can anyone?

I am thoroughly upset, and knowing that people, who have intelligence, are walking around this country with such great intolerance bothers me and scares me...

As my husband would say, they have just enough smarts to be dangerous...

Be conservative. Sure. But, please, don't be intolerant.

1 comment:

SarahKM126 said...

Ann Coulter is the type of woman who denies what is really going on this country in an insensitive and ignorant way.
Conservativism is not synonymous with ignorance.
She is a pox on our country and it angers me that she has so much attention and ability to pollute people who live in places that are Pleasantvillle USA and don't get to see the real America.
Stepping off my soapbox.