Saturday, November 15, 2008

November 4, 2008

Here are the thoughts I penned while watching the most historical event of the decade to date.  I hope you enjoy them.

"Today, the marker of my 30th year, an amazing thing happened.  No, I'm not talking about my birthday party (hint, hint).  I'm talking about the election of the first African-American president.  Senator, and now, President-elect, Barack H. Obama.

I want to say that I pay homage to my grandparents, Reverend and Mrs. Charlie and Lonnie Mae Watson, and Mrs. Valena Lawson, and Mr. Percy Lawson (deceased).  I pay homage to my great grandparents and all my ancestors.

To all the men, women, and children who died, were beaten, bloodied, and bruised fighting for equal and civil rights.  To all the many white, black, red, brown, yellow, and all the many variations and shades in between who fought for voting rights for all men and all women.


I am overcome with emotion.  I am in awe and hopeful.  I am in awe that grassroots operations, when well executed, can and do work.

I am hopeful that one day my son will not be judged by the texture of his hair or the color of his skin, but, as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, by the content of his character.

So far, I can honestly say that my birthday, November 4th, is, without a doubt, the very best day of the year 2008."

God bless you all.  And God bless the United States of America.

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