Monday, November 17, 2008

We are a family...

I can only say that in all of my travels, there is something that is so constant that only God (but who orwhat can truly rival Him?) and the sun rising and setting can rival it.  My family LOVES me...they LUVEM me, and I also feel the same way about them.  We are so close...and it doesn't matter how far away I go, I'm still my Daddy's "baby girl" and my Momma's "chick", my Alex's "Kiki", and my Anthony's "Kik".  I love you, and I will always be there to do whatever I can, as a daughter and a sister to support, help, and love you the best that I can.

It is hard for me to be away from them through hard times and good ones - I missed Anthony's high school graduation, for example - but no matter what, I am always received with open arms and an "I missed you so".  Soon, I will be making another big move (starting a family of my own), and I will miss more events...but deep in my heart, these people are me, and there cannot be a stronger bond - our love will continue to keep us together, and I thank God for blessing me with such love.

Rock on, Watsons, rock on.

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