Sunday, November 16, 2008

Today's word of the day is

 Character.  Wow.  I'm so interested in how my character has developed over the years.  It's such an integral part of our lives...and I'm so amazed at what my character has grown to be.

Am I truly the woman I thought or think I am?  I must find out.  It seems that I'm constantly on a journey of self-discovery and re-discovery....this is an ongoing and never ending process.  It has to be...because I will never be completely grown.  I will always be growing.  

Merriam-Webster offers these definitions for the word character.  "One of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish an individual."  "The complex of mental and ethical traits marking and often individualizing a person, group, or nation." And, this also, "Moral excellence and firmness."

These definitions are by no means the complete composite that the dictionary holds. In fact, there are several other definitions that you may also know.  For instance, a character like a letter or symbol.

I want to focus on those other definitions above, though.  One of the attributes or features that make up and distinguish an individual.  The complex of mental and ethical traits marking and often individualizing a person, group or nation.

You know what those two definitions have in common?  The emphasis on the individual.  So, my character, and its development are entirely up to me.  I cannot rely on my family, friends, or any one else to make my character something to be proud of.  I am responsible for making my character something to be proud of, something to hold in esteem.  And let me be clear - positive esteem.  Also, let me add that one of the definitions I saw in the dictionary also mentioned reputation.  That is so important.  My character is part of my reputation so much so that it is my reputation.

Am I late most of the time?  Do I keep my house clean?  My car clean?  Do I spend more time at work surfing the web or texting on IM or chatting with co-workers than actual work?  Do I pass it off as networking?  Do I tell the truth, even when it may not benefit me personally, and may possibly hinder or hurt me?  If telling the truth hurts me or hinders me in any way, is it because I did not do the right thing to begin with?

These are questions that I must ponder, that I hope everyone ponders from time to time.

Not to prove how good you are, or even to hold yourself up to some impossible standard of living.

Just to work on becoming the very best person you can.  Knowing that there will always be room for improvement, but just continually striving to make each day the best it can possibly be.  As you.  As a human being walking on the face of this earth.  The blessed individual that you are.

One of the things my parents always told me and my brothers was they just wanted us to do our best.  Always.  If we came short of a goal, it was always okay as long as we know we put our all into it and did the very, very best we could possibly do.

Let us all try each day to do our very best.  And on the days we may fall short, let's not beat ourselves up about it.  Let's just continue to keep trying.  Practice does make perfect, and although we may never be perfect, we can certainly attain achievement at its best.

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