Wednesday, August 26, 2009

If Nothing Ever Changes....

I will still love my life. I will love being the mother to such a beautiful blessing of a child, my Sean. I will still love being married to the most amazing and most frustrating man on the planet. :)

I told Dray that today. And I meant every word. The truth of the matter is, if we never become the multi-millionaires we envision (and believe me, we do see that in the future ;) ), I will be thankful for the opportunity to be a wife and mother. A daughter, sister, and friend.

I realize that not everyday of my life will be like roses, butterflies, rainbows and sunshine. But, even when it's really rough, I am glad to be living it with him and our son.

God has blessed us with much, even if we are financially strapped to the limit and barely holding on, and I am not going to forget nor let a day go by when I don't thank Him for the gift of life, love, and being his.

Well, that's all for now. I know it isn't long, but I hope it gives someone the ability to keep holding on.

I know our trials are temporary, and I know "this too shall pass." But, if nothing ever does change, I will forever be glad for the journey.


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