Friday, August 21, 2009

It's rantin' and ravin' time!

So...I'm a lil bit pissed because I've been thinking a back is out, and I mean O-U-T, so I've been lying in bed sitting on a heating pad bored to death of tv and not quite motivated enough to write...and to blog on my computer I've got to sit in this uncomfortable evil chair which makes my back hurt you see, it's an unending cycle of pain.

Lol...anyway, so why I'm so pissed is because I have an acquaintance, one of which I claim as a friend that I have been intimate with before, and this person never calls unless he needs or wants something.

Thing number one is that whatever we did before I got married ceased and desisted several months, hell over a year before I got married. Thing number two is that what he wants from me he cannot have, yet he still holds on to me as his "voice of reason" so to speak.

I'm mad at myself for letting this person get so damn close to me, but more than that, I'm mad that I allowed his inconsiderate behavior to continue for this long.

Welp, ladies and gents, that ended this week. I am proud of myself for basically eliminating this person from my life. He's not really there to begin with, and I can focus my thoughts on better and more important things than him.

We'll still associate from time to time, because, he's nice and all for the social stuff, but, seriously, I don't need that extra emotional tie that I've been giving to him because I'm such an all or nothing type of girl.

Well, he's gonna be pretty much a nothing to me, unless I want to be amused at a social gathering here or there.

So let it be written, so let it be done. End of...NEXT!

Lol! Have a wonderful moment right now, friends.


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