Saturday, August 29, 2009


so, I have been walking around with this feeling of uneasiness all day. I would attribute this to nervous energy and excitement about the first day of school, but it is more than that.

It's almost like I feel like I'm making the biggest mistake of my life. Like, I should run, quickly, from everything that I've signed up to do...even though I've signed binding contracts and I am soooo financially responsible for my education thus far, should I drop out...

And now, well, I feel so deep down that I'm doing the wrong thing. And the funny thing is, it's not that deep, necessarily, as it is permeating throughout my being.

So, I wonder if it is just me, if some evil is at work here, or if this is the truth, and what I want to do, what my heart desires most, I need to continue to pursue and this isn't it...?

Oh, I certainly hope not. I am definitely going to pray about this, and really give this over to God. I don't want to make any mistakes, and this can't be a mistake...because of all the open doors and literal miracles that have occurred up to this point for me to even be a part of this program.

Well, let's see what God will do...and if I can calm myself down...


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